Black Friday Sale Nov. 27 -30 Jewelry Making Supplies
Posted by Kenneth Knott on

Shop Opal and Findings for your comprehensive jewelry making supplies for the best in jewelry findings and gemstones, tools, jewelry supplies and equipment, and the packaging and display items. NNOV. 27 - 30 2020 enjoy 20% off storewide. Use code (BLACKFRIDAY) at checkout.
Welcome to Opal And Findings
Posted by Kenneth Knott on

Welcome to Opal and Findings; my name Is Ken, and keep telling myself, what are you doing? Your plate is already full! See, this is the 3rd website that I have opened. For all you know, Backlinks are essential. Well, here they are, the other two companies are and So my plates already full, I keep telling myself. I know why, but I have to keep moving forward and not stay stagnant and content with the status quo. With lots of products, it only seemed natural that I move forward in this direction. If the manufacturers provide me...
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